Exchange Assets Held on Ethereum Blockchain

Real time visual representation of all exchange wallets and their corresponding USD notional value.

Breakdown by token available on request.

Exchange Assets on Ethereum Blockchain

Recent Ethereum Transactions of Interest

Below is a list of recent large Ethereum transactions of interest.

  1. [Aug-19-2018 11:05:38 PM +UTC]
    Binance Token (BNB): $4,991,365.54 USD
    500,001.38 Binance Tokens (BNB) transferred
    from 0x27438cfb31bb65c9172ebcbeb32501f135ba902a
    to 0x115635b91717c4d96d092e3f0b72155283ef400f
  2. Ethereum (ETH): $5,478,607.85 USD
    18,581 Ether (ETH) transferred
    from Binance_1 0x3f5ce5fbfe3e9af3971dd833d26ba9b5c936f0be
    to Binance_2 0xd551234ae421e3bcba99a0da6d736074f22192ff
  3. Belance (ERC20): $38,175,008.22 USD
    69,132,765 Belance (ERC20) Tokens transferred
    from 0x8d12a197cb00d4747a1fe03395095ce2a5cc6819
    to 0x9aabc792478ca988c45d2c762c5e4265cb5be39c
  4. Ethereum (ETH): $29,772,186.84 USD
    93,749.997921 Ether (ETH) transferred
    from 0x0a0fed0ff3495fe93749cde2b692b7e217dc739c
    to 0x976fd26bc177542c3ade3aa28b374f866e7dde4b0x9
  5. WAB Network (WAB): $5,491,920.00 USD
    4,000,000,000 WAB Network (WAB) tokens transferred
    from 0x72bcfa6932feacd91cb2ea44b0731ed8ae04d0d3
    to 0x7951de819acd64bc2c97f887a8f53600ccaacab3
  6. [Aug-15-2018 09:21:03 PM +UTC]
    OmiseGo (OMG): $4,991,365.54 USD
    1,000,000 OmiseGo (OMG) transferred
    from 0x876eabf441b2ee5b5b0554fd502a8e0600950cfa
    to 0xd007058e9b58e74c33c6bf6fbcd38baab813cbb6
  7. Bancor (BNT): $6,534,850.53 USD
    3,966,198.9 Bancor (BNT) tokens transferred
    from 0x3504885517a7046af0bf08f3816e1cb3179cced6
    to 0x6a7a72cb261f2b1b7c773cf34bd7892383cbba7a

Large Ethereum Transactions

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